The function of sensory nerves is as a nerve network in charge of receiving stimulation from outside the body into the muscles, glands, and skin. This allows the body to respond accordingly to the stimuli provided. Sensory nerves are responsible for touch stimuli, temperature or pain. Sensory nerves belong to the peripheral nervous system or peripheral nervous system. In contrast to the central nervous system found in the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system is outside of these two locations. Somatosensory System Talking about the function of sensory nerves, there is something called the somatosensory system. This system is part of the sensory system. With this system, you will realize when there are stimuli from outside. Stimuli in the form of touch, movement, vibration, pressure, position changes, pain and temperature, received from the skin, muscles, and joints. The journey of this stimulus to get to the brain through a long process. Parts of the spinal cord a...
Scarring is part of the wound healing process, which can arise for a variety of reasons. Can be caused by smallpox scars, wounds from acne, burns, to post-operative wounds. Many factors affect the occurrence of scarring, ranging from depth, breadth, to the location of the wound. Scarring is formed when there is significant skin damage that changes the normal skin tissue in recovery. Age, heredity and gender factors also influence how the skin reacts to respond to wounds. Scarring Is Affected by Various Factors There are many factors that affect the appearance of scarring on the skin. Scar tissue that grows can also have different shapes, depending on the type of injury that causes it. The following are some common types of scarring: Keloids Keloids are scar tissue that is formed excessively due to injuries to the skin, and its size can exceed the size of the wound that causes it. Generally, keloids appear due to acne scars, ear piercing, chicken pox scars, postoperative scars ...